Thursday, September 26, 2019

Microbes and Us Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Microbes and Us - Essay Example Perhaps Agaricomycetes are the largest and oldest individuals in any groups of organisms, and they include the largest fruiting bodies in fungi (PÃ ¶ggeler & WÃ ¶stemeyer, 83). Armillaria gallicajkb generate average-sized mushrooms though their mycelial networks have been approximated to cover areas up to 15 hectares. According to Miller et al. (26), Agricomycetes serve as decayers, parasites, pathogens and mutualistic symbionts for both animals and plants. They create their widest ecological effects via their activities like wood-decayers and ectomycorrhizal symbionts of forest trees. Agaricomycetes are extensive in nearly all terrestrial ecosystems, and a few have secondarily returned to aquatic habitats. Miller et al. (31) asserts that Agaricomycetes have a lifecycle similar to that of Basidiomycota. These fungi are nearly usually filamentous, with no yeast phase. Nevertheless, yeasts are produced by some agaricomycetes that are cultivated in an underground fungus gardens by attine ants in the neotropics. The hyphae are divided by septa which are infiltrated by a barrel-shaped dolipore that is bordered by membrane-bound parenthesomes in filamentous form. A dikaryotic mycelium is the dominant stage in the lifecycle although stable diploids have been reported in Armillaria. In some species, dikaryotic and monokaryotic mycelia have been shown to generate asexual spores though asexual forms are obviously not as extensive as in the Ascomycota. Mushrooms are multicellular fruiting bodies generated by dikaryotic mycelia under conducive. There are many forms of mushrooms including puffballs, crustlike resupinate, bracket fungi, and coralloid forms. The basis for the 19thC classification of Agaricomycetes and other fungi was gross morphology of fruiting bodies. The Friesian taxa are no longer viewed as natural entities although these groups remain essential for grouping fruiting body forms and they are emphasized in numerous essential field guides

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